Tuesday 20 December 2016

Jarvis is real! Meet Mark Zuckerberg’s Iron Man-Style AI

You may know about the Jarvis from the Iron Man series. If this fictional superhero isn’t your interest, then Mark Zuckerberg’s Jarvis could capture your attention. The Facebook CEO and founder, Mark Zuckerberg has developed an AI system - named Jarvis to run his home, as a part of his personal challenge for this year.

He has made an AI that can talk to on his phone or computer, which can control his home, including security, appliance, lights, music, and temperature. He also wanted it to learn his tastes and patterns, and learn new words and concepts, and even entertain his one-year-old daughter, Max.

After spending about 100 hours building Jarvis, Facebook CEO has announced “I have a pretty good system that understands me and can do lots of things.” in a post on his Facebook page.

Jarvis is something that Mark Zuckerberg made himself, using the Facebook in-house tools and has incorporated several AI technologies including natural learning processing, face recognition, speech recognition, and reinforcement language using PHP, Python, and Objective C.

Zuckerberg’s Jarvis isn’t a physical robot, but an application that can be accessed through his phone or computer to control temperature, lights, security, appliance and more. It is not an average home automation AI like Google Assistant or Siri, it’s a custom built system that learns from experience.

So, What Jarvis Can Do?

Jarvis can recognize process language, recognize face as well as speech, enabling it to understand texted or spoken commands and can recognize who is issuing them. It can switch on or off the lights, higher the AC temperature or lower it, play a song in any room of his house, recommend a song based on your previous list or as per your current mood.

As Jarvis is enabled with vision and face recognition, it can tell whether Max (daughter) is awake or moving around her crib; can recognize objects like whether it is the Beast (pet dog) or a rug in his room and can tell who’s at the door. In addition, Zuckerberg has fixed a few cameras at his door to recognize people. Jarvis then decides if it can open the door or not to permit people in.

To get the most out of the AI assistant, Zuckerberg has developed a Facebook Messenger Bot to communicate with it, since it is quite easier than developing a separate app. The AI system can translate audio commands into text and execute them.

On top of it, he has dedicated an app that could communicate with him through voice and speech recognition. He just simply wants to communicate Jarvis just, like how Amazon Echo users do.

Jarvis is super cool, but it is not a commercial product. It’s a part of his personal challenge project. However, Mark Zuckerberg has planned to continue improving Jarvis and also expressed that Artificial Intelligence is both closer and farther off than we imagine.
And not just that. He’ll be open sourcing his code, but it's currently too tightly tied to his own home, appliances and network configuration. He concluded that if he ever builds a layer that abstracts home automation functionality, he might release that, which can be a great foundation to create a new product.

Isn’t that a great announcement from Zuckerberg?

Let’s wait and watch for his next year’s challenge in the coming weeks.

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