Friday 7 April 2017

Meet M - The Brand new AI Assistant for Facebook Messenger

The social networking giant Facebook on Thursday rolled out a virtual assistant named ‘M’ for the messenger app in US. The digital assistant is powered by Artificial Intelligence and designed to enrich the way we communicate in the messenger chat.

Although the digital assistant is branded as ‘Artificial Intelligence’, it is not likely to compete in the race with Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, Alexa or even with Bixby. This is because M is not advanced compared to other personal assistants. But it can provide users with simple and helpful actions in the “chat, exposing features people may not have known were available right in Messenger”.

The actions include sending relevant sticker suggestion, making payments, sharing location to your friends, organizing a plan, creating a poll and vote in group conversations. M also enables you to request a ride via Lyft or Uber in the messenger app.

The announcement was made a year ago but initially, the app “was a small AI experiment powered by humans” which was iterated and made better with machine learning.

“We are bringing the power of M’s AI technology to support and enhance the Messenger experience and make it more useful, personal and seamless,” said Laurent Landowski and Kemal El Moujahid, Product Mangers, Facebook in a blog spot.

To experience M, all you need to do is open a conversation and chat with your friends as you do. When your keyword matches the above-mentioned actions, M logo will appear along with its suggestions. You can either use or reject/ignore the suggestions based on your preferences. You also have the option to mute the assistant in the M setting.

M is now rolled out to all Android and iOS users in the US and announced to roll out in other countries as well.

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